Aloha and Sake themed summer party group picture

Best Ideas for a Fun Summer Party or Luau

At Aloha FunWear we can say, quite literally, that Fun is our middle name. And what’s more fun than a party in the summertime? Imagine a warm breeze, green grass, friends, laughter, cold drinks and the smell of barbecue.

If that seems like something you’d like to do, but you aren’t sure how to get started, here are a few ideas to begin planning:

Send Invitations

Word of mouth keeps people guessing. Should I eat something before I go, or will there be enough food? Will it be mostly inside the house or in the backyard? Should I wear my bathing suit? Create invitations with all the important information so there won’t be any questions.

Have a Theme

Pick a theme, such as a luau or a Hawaiian theme party. You might not be able to afford a trip to the islands, but you can bring the islands home. The theme should color everything from attire to attitude to food and drink.

As examples, start with putting up a colorful banner that says Aloha. Display fresh flowers using a hollowed-out pineapple as a vase. Hand everyone a lei as they walk through the door.

Decorate your drink table with a Raffia table skirt and serve drinks with Hawaiian themes. For those imbibing, Mai Tais, Piña Coladas and Blue Hawaiians are classics. For the designated drivers, lemonade with a shot of pineapple juice is refreshing.

Grill kebabs with pieces of pineapple between pieces of meat dipped in pineapple glaze. Prepare a cheese plate with the cheese spread out in such a way as to resemble a palm tree. Make beach cupcakes frosted half with blue and half with tan to resemble a shoreline.

Hawaiian Shirt and Sake Summer Party

Aloha & Sake themed summer party

What to Wear

Guests want to know what they should wear, so be clear. Dress for fun. For men, Aloha shirts and shorts. For women, the same or Aloha dresses. You want everyone to be in the right frame of mind. To drive the point home, you might include island images or a picture of a necktie being cut in half with a pair of scissors on the invitations.

Summer Sake and Aloha Theme Party Attire

Colorful aloha attire will brighten the mood even at an already festive party


In years past, you might have shopped for a compact disc by Don Ho or one titled Surf Music. Now, you can turn on YouTube and search for something like Hawaiian luau music or surf classics. Jimmy Buffett or Bob Marley and the Wailers will work for classic island vibes.

Have Activities

Food, drinks and music are great, but sometimes they’re not enough. Have entertainment or activities for your guests too. Set up a game of limbo. Put a couple of hula hoops and frisbees in the backyard or set up a volleyball net. Hang a frame from a tree branch where people can get their pictures taken.

sake tasting tournament bracket

Sake tasting bracketology similar to NCAA March Madness provided fun and entertainment for everyone

Lights and Bugs

You don’t want mosquitoes or gnats to make being outside unpleasant. Remove all standing water and set up a couple of electric fans, which mosquitoes hate. As a bonus, it will help guests keep cool.

Also, when preparing your backyard, make sure you have the right amount of light in the right places. You don’t want your food and drink tables or your activities in a place where no one can see.

Don’t Stress

Your house doesn’t have to be spotless – establish an amount of time you will spend cleaning beforehand and do the best you can in that time period. Use paper plates and plastic cups for easy cleanup. As the host or hostess, part of your job is to have fun yourself!