Aloha Fashion & Lifestyle News

To Tuck or Not to Tuck? That is the Question!
Many people wonder if it is okay to tuck in a Hawaiian shirt. Like everything else in fashion, you should wear whatever you wear according to your own style and taste. So if you want to tuck it in, tuck it in. And if you want to wear it untucked, go for it. Having said that, there are a few simple rules of thumb to help you decide whether to tuck or untuck.
Wearing Printed Tops and Bottoms
So now you have an awesome new Hawaiian shirt or blouse and are ready to wear it and go somewhere. Here’s a very simple fashion tip that applies not only to Aloha wear, but to fashion in general.
How to Make Your Legs Look Longer
Have you even noticed how runway models always have super long legs? Unless you’re hit the DNA jackpot and have super model features, you’ll have to resort to a few simple tricks to enhance your looks the way you want.
Available or Taken? Your Flower Tells All
Sometimes in life it is useful for you to know who is single and available and who is in a relationship and off the market. In fact, sometimes it might be you who is trying to put this information out there. There is a way of saying this without saying a word.
Vintage and Retro Hawaiian Shirts
Hawaiian shirts have been around for a long time, dating all the way back to the 1930s. The first Aloha shirts featured both Oriental and Hawaiian designs with beautiful radiant colors with fine detail on silk or rayon fabric. Real vintage shirts are actual shirts from the 30s and 40s and can be very expensive with some reaching values over $2,000.
Our Favorite Beaches
When you think of summer, and certainly when you think of Hawaii, you probably think of beaches. And so do we! We love the beach. When people visit, they often ask us what’s the best beach to go to. The answer is, it depends on what you’re looking for. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the beaches we like to go to and why.
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream
If you love the fresh creamy taste of homemade ice cream, you will love this pineapple ice cream recipe! We use a Cuisinart ice cream maker to make various ice cream flavors and this pineapple one came out really yummy so we’re super excited to share it with you.